Friday, February 12, 2016

Fordham The Logical Destination For Vastly Improved Ohams

Since undergoing a massive growth spurt and shooting up to 6-foot-8, Chuba Ohams grew in playmaking ability and overall skill-set.

After exploring the prep route for a year, Ohams committed to Fordham University this week.

Ohams' tight-knit relationship with Fordham's coaching staff and the opportunity to shine in his hometown were considerable factors in his decision.

The added level of confidence and competitive juices helped the New York native earn interest from Providence, Rutgers, DePaul, UMass, Boston College, Rhode Island, South Carolina and a variety of other potential suitors.

According to Nathan Blue, who has helped mold a considerable chunk of talent throughout New York City over the years (see Harkless, Mo for more information), Ohams' consistency and ever-evolving 3-point game rendered him a unique threat.

"Throughout the entire Hoop Group Elite Sessions (Ohams) showed me and everyone else that it was all coming together mentally," said Blue.

"Chuba was playing more aggressive and he was just as hungry every day for two weeks. His growth is tremendous on and off the court and he will be playing in the NBA for a long time if he holds to form."

Ohams On Picking Fordham

It is close to home and my relationship with the coaching staff led to my decision.

On Fordham's System Fitting His Style Of Play 

I fit perfectly in the style of play at Fordham. They're going to use me in many ways. They're going to lean on me for much of the offense. 

They just want me to come in and play my game.

 That means shoot threes, attack the basket with my athleticism and make plays.

On His Improvement

My game has overall grown tremendously. 

The added growth spurt has given me the confidence to just go out and play. Since I was a point guard before, it's much easier now to see over the defense and make plays at 6-8.

 I'm very athletic and I've become more consistent of a shooter. With my skills and confidence, I'm going to thrive on the collegiate level.

On His Relationship With Tony Chiles

I've known Tony Chiles since he was at St. John's. His presence was a huge effect on my decision.

 I trust him and the coaching staff tremendously. He always reiterated how it can be my school and that this is my home. 

He also feels that coming to Fordham, he will help me reach the next level and with the addition of me, we will have a chance of getting over the top.