Saturday, November 21, 2015

Books and Buckets WIth: Jax Levitch

ZS: Which schools have been most active in your recruitment and who is expressing the most interest right now?

JL: Rutgers and Delaware, for sure, have shown the most consistent interest right now. It is mainly those two.

ZS: How was the visit to Rutgers and which aspects of the school were you most impressed with?

JL: It went really well. I'd have to say the most impressive aspect of the school, the best thing they had to offer, it would have to be the coaching staff. 

They have experience at all levels.

 I don't have any other visits scheduled currently.

 Right now, I'm just focused on the season and getting better.

ZS: You grew up watching a lot of top-tier Louisville teams. Terrance Williams, Earl Clark, Edgar Sosa, Russ Smith, you've seen them all go through...

 Which were your favorite teams and why?

JL: Believe it or not, my favorite U of L team would have to be last year's.

 Terry Rozier was so fun to watch. They still made a great run in the tournament despite Chris Jones being kicked off.

 I was fortunate to have the opportunity to play pick up with them in the summer. 

Playing against Russ Smith and other former players gave me a real, first hand idea of how it is at that level.

ZS: Toughest guy you've ever guarded?

JL: Would have to be Keyvaughn Allen.

ZS: Having an older brother constantly on your case must have its pressures and its benefits.

 How has your brother (Louisville guard David Levitch) helped shape your game and push your development as a player?

JL: It's been all guidance. No pressure at all to be truthful.

 Everything he has done has been in effort to get the best out of me.

 What I love is just seeing him work hard and continuously prove people wrong. His IQ has brought him a long way. 

Also packing on 30 pounds since he's been at U of L has helped translate his game to that level of play. Watching him work and grow has been inspirational, it really has.

ZS: Which elements of your game have you worked to refine since coming to Elev8 (Fla.)?

JL: I've worked on rebounding a lot. With our bigs (Leroy Butts, Sam Alabakis, Levi Cook, Kasper Christiansen) being injured a majority of the season thus far, I had to come in and rebound. It was crucial for me to step my game up in that compartment and really start hitting the boards harder than ever.

ZS: Which factors led you to the prep route?

JL: I wanted better opportunities than I had before and that's really what brought me to Elev8.

ZS: Best facet of your game?

JL: My shooting. I feel like I have deep range. My release isn't slow but it could be quicker so that's another area I'm just working on every day.

ZS: Favorite Classes and potential college major?

JL: My favorite classes throughout high school have been business and economics classes. So, if I had to choose my major today, it would definitely be something business related.